Subject X By Emma Hunter

subject x



Secrets and Mysteries

Love That Will Not be Denied



Secrets, mystery, intrigue, suspense, and intense sexual attraction;  this book has it all.  Get your favorite beverage, relax in your favorite chair, and get ready for a roller coaster ride as you enter Emma Hunter’s world of Subject X.



Charlotte Kane, graduate of Harvard bio engineering, has been accepted into the Genesis Life Systems assistant program. Genesis is renowned for its’ work in the biological sciences and part of the well-known conglomerate, Garrison.

Her supervisor is a nerdy secret man;  you realize immediately something is off with him.  After processing blood test after blood test, which is boring work for Charlotte, she meets client Owen Becker.  Why has Genesis tested Owen for so many years?  Why is his testing a top-level security clearance?  He is handsome, sexy, sweet, polite and the attraction is instantaneous and runs both ways.  Dating between staff and client is strictly forbidden but nothing can stop the attraction running between these two.

Something is going on at Genesis;  secret testing, top security level clearances required for Owen’s test, a secretive boss, and the mystery behind Owen’s testing and his abilities.

Come along with Charlotte and Owen as they solve the secrets and mystery of Genesis and why they have tested Owen over 25 years.



Author Emma Hunter crafted an emotional romance story filled with mystery, suspense, and secrets. Ms. Hunter kept the suspense at top peak throughout a she set the hook early and reels in the reader.  You realize early in the story that something is definitely happening behind the scene with Emma’s supervisor, Todd Strickland.


Ms. Hunter did a very skillful job of portraying Todd Strickland, as a manic, over-achieving, self-seeking, driven, and greedy scientist.  His was a character that I loved hating.  He is the typical driven evil scientist.  Ms. Hunter gives us hints that Genesis maybe not be all it reveals to the public.


Owen Becker is portrayed as an insecure man with secrets.  Secrets I will not reveal to you.  He is model handsome, has a heart of gold, charisma by the buckets, and an immediate and intense attraction to Charlotte. His back-story was woven into the story-line as we get peaks at the mystery and secrets of his past and present and then Ms. Hunter reveals all to the reader.


Ms. Hunter skillfully brought the plots together to form a complete well written story-line then she leaves you panting for the next book in the series. Ms. Hunter leaves you knowing there is much more to come in the tale of Owen, Genesis, and Charlotte.


Charlotte’s character growth throughout the book was skillfully developed as Ms. Hunter brought her from an insecure tomboy to a mature young woman who is beginning to understand her worth.  Charlotte is intelligent but very insecure with her feminine side.  Raised as a tomboy, she is insecure with male female relationships; Owen opens up a whole new world of emotion to Charlotte as he shows Charlotte how he sees her.


This is a well-written and developed book.  The pacing never lagged and I never lost interest in the story.  Ms. Hunter’s talent for grabbing the reader and holding on is apparent as she weaves her tale of love, sex, romance, mystery and secrets.  This book contains intense and explicit sexual content; I felt the love scene could have been less lengthy and achieved the same effect for the story-line.



This is a well-written book by a talented new author.  I recommend this book for adult only as it contains explicit sexual content.

Book Review copy received from The Romance Reviews and the author in return for an honest book reviewBook reviews of any novel are dependent on the book review author’s opinion;  book reviews on line  and on my blog, are my opinion.








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