
Downton Tabby by Sparkle Abbey

Book Review

Caro Lamont, transplanted Texan and pet therapist is back in action. Cash, Jake, and Caro share office space in the same building. After Cash ask Caro to watch his cat while he runs home on an errand; he Downton Tabbynever returns.  Caro finds Jake dead in Cash’s pool and she thinks Cash has been kidnapped. From there the action, mystery and suspense is on a roll in this cozy mystery. Caro just can’t help herself; she gets involved in the investigation much to the dismay of Detective Malone.

There is a lot going on in this book. Cash and Jake are techies that own a technology company which developed the Woofwalker app for healthy dogs, one is dead the other has disappeared, Caro is trying unsuccessfully to dodge her ex-husband and a noisy reporter, she is followed by a black SUV, she is still fighting with her cousin over Grannie’s


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